Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It's the last day of November.  Where has the fall gone?  Each school year seems to go faster than the last.  The seniors are busy filling college applications  or visiting with military recruiters here in the library.  They are also working hard to finish required courses so they'll graduate with their class in June.  Many have papers due in Participation In Government (P.I.G.) and College Prep classes.  It's incredible what they produce and rewarding to know as a librarian I have been a part of their scholastic life since they were in kindergarten. 

Having worked in two elementary schools for 11 years before being assigned the high school, I have had the opportunity to shape these young lives since they were 5 years old.  Now at 17 and 18 they have developed into fine young men and women ready to tackle what lies ahead of them.  It makes me very proud.

Last summer and my first year completed as a high school librarian, a student in the 2011 graduating class ran into me in the mall.  This person told me how much she came to appreciate all the librarians do for students.  It makes my job so worthwhile to hear just one person say something like that.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This will be a great way to find out what others are creating in the teaching field and to also find out what others are doing for fun in their personal lives.

Right now I have a group of seniors working on their P.I.G. bills and their topics are quite diverse.

On a personal level, I'm ready for my cup of tea after school when I can catch a chapter or two on the current book by Brad Thor before starting dinner.