Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thing4 RSS

RSS is the best way access my sites I log into almost on a daily basis.  For a while now, I have had an iGoogle page with two earthquake sites, news sites, the EG library site, cooking sites, weather in all the cities where the family lives and  lastly a site on "how-to-do" that changes daily.

The earthquake sites are constantly updating.  One shows the world quakes 4.0 and over and the other site  reports any size quake only in the U.S.

Recipe of the Day or Betty Crocker's featured recipe will  sometimes give me cooking inspirations for preparing a dish or dessert for the following week.

The EG library site gives me quick access when helping a student find a book or research information rather than going to Favorites or typing in their web address.

At iGoogle I can change the overall theme to whatever suits me at the moment.  Right now, I have a NASCAR themed background.  As spring draws closer, I may change it to a Harley Davidson theme.

As part of this assignment, I joined Google Readers to keep up with all of my favorite blogs.