Monday, June 18, 2012

Not To Be Forgotten # 3 OnLine Communities

What would I do if I couldn't keep up with my nephew's kids as one of them celebrates a birthday or graduates from kindergarten?  Social Networking is a wonderful way to keep in touch with family and to find great ideas to use at work.  I also use Facebook and Twitter to let companies know how I feel about their products or to ask stores to carry certain items.

I belong to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Teacher-Librarian NLing and Pinterest.  It was joining this last one where I found and modified a trivia game for the Hunger Games back in the early spring.

Another site that I joined was  I LOVE this daily newspaper that has filtered out everything except what I am interested in reading.

On Twitter you can find me at DeborahLyman@Bay119.  I use this to keep up with various publishers, Goodreads, etc....and those are just the professionals I look at! LOL

Unfortunately the  major social networking sites are blocked here at Columbia High School.  The tech guys haven't figured out that Pinterest is a networking site, or I'm sure that would be blocked, too.   Besides Pinterest here at work, I can also access the Teacher-librarianNLing network.  I really like that network for great ideas and helping other librarians solve problems.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for pinterest and ning not being blocked! And congrats hooray - you finished! :)
